Save Our Earth continue

Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 0 comments -

A pollutant is a harmful chemical or waste material discharged into the land, water, or atmosphere leading to a state of dirtiness, impurity, or unhealthiness. Pollution affects everyone! It can be very dangerous for plants, animals, and humans. Much of the waste that is thrown away can be reduced, reused, recycled, or refused (example: simply don’t take a bag at the grocery store if not needed). There are many methods to help eliminate or reduce pollution and its potential danger to living things.

Everything that is living produces waste. Decomposers and microorganisms recycle nature’s waste to enrich the earth and to provide essential nutrients for the growth of plants.

Human waste, however, is threatening our environment! Hazardous chemicals, disposable diapers, plastics, aluminum cans, styrofoam packaging, and manufacturing pollutants are clogging our air, water supplies, and landfills and are destroying important plant communities and wildlife habitats. Collection and disposal of waste consumes tremendous energy and resources.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 to raise awareness about the environment
and encourage people to take action against pollution. Today, many communities celebrate Earth Day and Earth Week in April with special programs, clean-up projects, and festivals focusing on how people can be environmental stewards.

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